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Slapped by your boyfriend

No way. If a guy ever slapped me I wouldn't be with him. I do not tolerate abuse and would leave immediately. If it was a playful slap, like "come on now" that is a different story. However, if it was a slap out of anger, that is uncalled for.
I have never been hit by anybody that I have ever dated. I put anybody that I am interested in through intense analyzation. I am a pretty observant girl, and I am very discerning. I know when someone means me harm, and when they don't, sometimes before even they do. I stay clear of the ones that do. Because of this I have never been struck by anybody that I have dated, BUT if I ever were to be, I would knock the idiot into next Winter Solstice with how hard I hit them. I am a woman, and I only date woman. I am pretty strong. If my girlfriend were ever to hit me, she would regret it immensely. Then I would leave... without calling the ambulance for her. And not just leave the house or wherever she is, but leave the relationship too.

If you claim to love someone and you hit them, you don't love them. I don't see how you can.