New Member
Righty-ho....I aint had a good rant for aaaaaaaaaages and OMG am I gonna make up for it now
Sooooo, I was in charge at work today, it all started so well, I got there at 8.15am, disabled the alarm, sorted the tills out, checked for emails from head office and STILL had time for a coffee before I had to open shop.
Then......things started to go downhill ..... fast ....... REALLY fast
10am - Time to do a safe check, no probs I think "that'll only take 20 minutes" .........goes into safe......adds up all the money ..... "Hmmmmm it's @ £1000 short"
UH-OHHHHHHHH *double checks*......STILL £1000 missing
. So I get one of the other women to double check for me....nopes the money aint there. Phone manager - we figure I screwed up on getting the tills ready (D'oh @ me) not to worry tho.... as long as the tills show up as having extra cash we're sorted :tu:
10.30am - Aaaaaargh I have to GIVE stuff away to customers because head office has decided to cancel some "buy one get one free" offers and didn't tell us ! :angry:
11am - Delivery man comes to back door...... I open it ...... I forgot to switch the alarm off * deafening shriek of burglar alarm rips through the shop
12pm - Lunchtime ! YAYYYYYYYY ..... oops spoke too soon I manage a WHOLE ten minutes before I get called back onto the shop floor
1.30pm - Grrrrrrrrrr have to give away more stuff that apparently isn't on offer anymore :huh:
*thoughts of alcohol start creeping in round about now*
2pm - OMG !!!!!!! these bloody customers are REALLY REALLY getting on my nerves now ...... if anyone else pokes me in the ribs to get my attention I'll slap them, I WILL !
2.15pm - Oh FFS ! the main till has broken *fixes it all by myself * YAY me !
2.45pm - Accounts dept phone....."Huh? what paperwork? where? delivery? eh?" :blink:
*thoughts of alcohol getting stronger*
3.30pm - Ahhhhhhhhh coffeeeeeeeeeeee *sits down and takes a mouthful*....RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING ! Grrrrrrr back on shop floor
4pm - Where's Gemma?????? Aaaaaaargh she hasn't showed up for work ! :angry:
5pm - first till counted.....YAY it's showing extra cash Woo Hoo !
5.30pm - YAYYYYY time to lock the door :tu:
5.40pm - YAY second till is also over......I've found my missing £1000 :woohoo:
5.45pm - I can't get out ! The stupid flippin alarm won't set because I tripped it earlier....*phones manager to ask how to re set it* :blush:
6pm - dammit ! alarm still won't set because I haven't locked the safe *runs back upstairs*
6.05pm - FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM *runs home without looking back*
Sooooo, I was in charge at work today, it all started so well, I got there at 8.15am, disabled the alarm, sorted the tills out, checked for emails from head office and STILL had time for a coffee before I had to open shop.
Then......things started to go downhill ..... fast ....... REALLY fast
10am - Time to do a safe check, no probs I think "that'll only take 20 minutes" .........goes into safe......adds up all the money ..... "Hmmmmm it's @ £1000 short"
10.30am - Aaaaaargh I have to GIVE stuff away to customers because head office has decided to cancel some "buy one get one free" offers and didn't tell us ! :angry:
11am - Delivery man comes to back door...... I open it ...... I forgot to switch the alarm off * deafening shriek of burglar alarm rips through the shop
12pm - Lunchtime ! YAYYYYYYYY ..... oops spoke too soon I manage a WHOLE ten minutes before I get called back onto the shop floor
1.30pm - Grrrrrrrrrr have to give away more stuff that apparently isn't on offer anymore :huh:
*thoughts of alcohol start creeping in round about now*
2pm - OMG !!!!!!! these bloody customers are REALLY REALLY getting on my nerves now ...... if anyone else pokes me in the ribs to get my attention I'll slap them, I WILL !
2.15pm - Oh FFS ! the main till has broken *fixes it all by myself * YAY me !
2.45pm - Accounts dept phone....."Huh? what paperwork? where? delivery? eh?" :blink:
*thoughts of alcohol getting stronger*
3.30pm - Ahhhhhhhhh coffeeeeeeeeeeee *sits down and takes a mouthful*....RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING ! Grrrrrrr back on shop floor
4pm - Where's Gemma?????? Aaaaaaargh she hasn't showed up for work ! :angry:
5pm - first till counted.....YAY it's showing extra cash Woo Hoo !
5.30pm - YAYYYYY time to lock the door :tu:
5.40pm - YAY second till is also over......I've found my missing £1000 :woohoo:
5.45pm - I can't get out ! The stupid flippin alarm won't set because I tripped it earlier....*phones manager to ask how to re set it* :blush:
6pm - dammit ! alarm still won't set because I haven't locked the safe *runs back upstairs*
6.05pm - FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM *runs home without looking back*