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Still pining after hot juggler boy. He never went back to juggling! I saw him at the rugby though but couldn't get up the guts to really talk to him and saw him a couple of other times AND it turns out he lived next door to my friend's best friend at cumberland hall and I didn't take advantage of that!! I feel like a giggley school girl but omg he was georgeous *swoon*
I only have the hots for one guy. His name is Joshua. I call him Joshi. He is down-right hot
I'll have to try and get a photo
this guy just broke up with me in front of my friends so my mood is embarrassed.
and i really liked him.
Funny story about crushes....

Ok, my boyfriend Joshi liked me for months before we started going out (he told me after). He said he use to feel really good when I asked him to pick up my pen in English..... I confessed that the only reason my pen was on the floor was because I use to throw it at him. People said he was a Nazi. Gawd I'm so ashamed
He forgave me though
I've been dating mt boyfriend for almost two years now. I had a crush on him ever since I meet him in 2005. Though I do have some worries, he just turned 18 this year and I'm turning 17 pretty soon, and I feel since he's in College and I'm in High School. I'm inadverantly holding him back in the social aspects because we're together, and I feel guilty. Seeing as most of our relationship is now long distance.

He's a great guy, but when it comes to taking sides he is ALWAYS neutral NEVER takes my side, it makes me so frustrated because I'd take his side in a heart beat, (I like intellectually owning people >_> Bad habit of mine). Then when I'm insulted he says OHH step down take the higher road every time.
This irks me.
I like them as unattainable goals. Turns out hot juggler boy has a girlfriend. Found out last night. Doesn't really bother me because I always knew he was an unattainable one, I'll still swoon *swoon*

Might be going to his flatwarming next year though tehehehe. Ok...little bit gutted bout the girlfriend *sigh*