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Which shampoo do u use?

Which shampoo do u use?

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Dove shampoo for me
but since our dove conditioner run out we seem to have bought pantene. . . so silky LOL
ive tried all the shampoos and lots more but none of them work so i would like to know someting different that cold help me.
ello again ltns ..... At the moment Im using Tressemee shampoo and conditioner, ive been using it for around a month now and i have to say its brill worth every penny and if you look about before you buy there are some great deals on when purchasing the 2 together
I use herbal essence most the time but I never get what the woman gets when she is in the shower washing her hair
Gonna try tressemee Now tho

Had a problem since having baby loose loads of hair, each time I brush it I have a brush full of hair
Gonna go bold soon NOT GOOD

Brilliant Brunnettte yes try it they have all kind Brilliant Blonde Brilliant red head ur hair r the way u want them to b TRUST ME u will <3 it