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Wake me up when September ends *Have a nice month!*

I live in SC so I am thankful summer is almost done here. I am looking forward to the fall and winter. I can understand your point if you live in the North though.
I am from Philippines, and rains are still here. I am glad that we don't have to deal with too much flood waters when it rains 'cause so far, typhoons were not really that bad. Though I wish it is summer already because it always rains here whenever I do the laundry. :mad:

I totally love summer 'cause we can practically do just anything under the sun.
@everio Lucky you! Enjoy it! :D

@Lucy1982 and @Cecil Estrera, there was heavy rain yesterday :eek: It was like the sky was saying "Welcome to the fall!" :confused::mad:

Cecil...patience with the laundry. The weather is weird....:p
I am very happy that summer is over! This has been one hot summer! I can't wait for winter to begin!
Cecil I was just wondering if the winters are cold or mild in the Philippines? I imagine it is summer there all the time.