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The New Job And Stuff


New Member
Feb 2, 2007
Cazadero, Ca
Well, as most of you know, I am not a bartender any more...I got tired of the trashy bosses being trashy and yelling at everyone and back stabbing and all of that...

My former boss, the one I worked for a long time ago when he was a service station and small tow company had been bugging me and bugging me to come back and dispatch for him...so one day I decided to give it a go. The plan was to keep my Saturday nights at the bar, I actually grew pretty fond of Karaoke, much to my surprise, and wanted to keep that shift. Plus, nobody wanted it! Wimps, LOL!!!

So the tow company has been moved from the little town it was in, to about a mile down the road below the boss' house, which is awesome because there is a swimming pool here...AND, instead of having 2 to 3 trucks going, he has 7 or 8 going all the time, so it's way busier, and the area we cover is WAAAAAAY bigger.

It's a lot of fun, a little stressful at times, but a good time anyway. And the boss started me out at a training wage, and has since bumped me up quite a bit, so I am actually making pretty good money, and it's a grown up job at that!!

Oh yeah...I got a phone call, out of the blue one Friday evening, saying I was taken off the schedule at the bar...no rhyme or reason, I just got sacked...and the worst part is, they couldn't even do it themselves, they had the manager, my FRIEND, do it! I was pretty upset, I KNOW that I was one of the best employees they had, but that boss never liked me, mostly because I'm a woman. I guess he was intimidated by the fact that I was more together than him, that bugs trashy people that fancy themselves important...whatever...

I'm getting over it, it's been months, and I really love it here at the tow company, it's just that my pride was severly wounded, and that takes longer to heal than a punch in the eye... :lol:

I guess I'd better get to work...I'll have the story of the move at a later time, it has to do with trying to catch up financially after getting sacked...
Didn't they even give you a reason for letting you go? That sucks! However, my mum always says as one door closes, another opens. Your new job sounds much better. And more fun!
Well, once I MADE them give me a reason, he said that they didn't want anyone working only 1 shift. The problem is, the guy that I gave my Thurs and Fri shifts to had been working only 1 shift for about 6 months...I called him on it, and he made up some lame excuses, so I let it drop. I didn't like them anyway, I just really liked working there...

But yes, this job is way better...