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So, how much do you guys weigh?

I can honestly say......I have no idea lol

I don't really believe in weighing myself to be honest. I prefer to go by how well my clothes fit and when my size 12's (UK size) get tight I lose weight and when I can fit my size 8's I know I can pig out on chocolate and chips for a while lol

At the moment I'm at the "OMG ! my size 12's are a bit tight" stage lol. Salad for a few weeks methinks

I would have to agree, I don't own a set of scales.

Likewise, if my clothes get tight, I know I have put weight on. I'm not much of a dieter, I have no will power. I used to weigh around 12 st. At 5"4 that is possibly a bit overweight, I'm not sure. But 3 years ago I had severe food poisoning twice in 2 months and lost 2 stone in about a month. Luckily I haven't put it back on. But to be fair, my weight generally doesn't bother me.

(don't try it, none of us realise how dangerous food poisoning is, i know someone who almost died because of it, and has been left with very bad mobility, has to get injections twice weekly in order to stay mobile - not recommended)
im aboot *thinks* 53 which is good for my height (Body Index thingy) i dont bother with diets... meh i dont like htem.. id hate not being able to eat my butterscotch ice cream *licks lips**goes and gets soem* but i play soccer all yer round and walk to and form school ever day and our school doesnt have lockers so its all your books on your back :D quite good keeps us fit lol
im kinda underweight and i cant say how much i weight cuz we have this whole other system in sweden...hmm...annoys me.
What is the system, L-Girl?

I'm pretty mini for my age so my weight probably isn't what it should be but hey. I go from 40-42kg. I really don't weigh myself often, I just get curious sometimes to see if I've put any weight on. Apparently my mum was 45kg when she got married in her early 20's so I guess it runs in the family.

I've been under the norm for pretty much my whole life (so was watched, weighed and measured on regular occasions until I was 13)and am now just about normal. (Physcially speaking, I'm probably not mentally sound either :p).
OMG, thats the one...kg that is. I mean everyone I have talked has this other thing. But I am 17 and im kinda tall and I weight like 51 since i last cheked and thats not good. I shud weight like 60kg for my age and im not doing it, so I'm kinda underwieght. Whats bugs me is that i cant seem to gain weight but i can loose. Hmmm... :/
Us UK'ers talk about weight in Stones and Pounds, is that what u meant L ?

It is confusing! Hey as long as we are healthy and happy within ourselves... weight is but a number :grinlove:
Originally posted by Snowbaby@Jan 19 2005, 01:32 PM
Us UK'ers talk about weight in Stones and Pounds, is that what u meant L ?

It is confusing! Hey as long as we are healthy and happy within ourselves... weight is but a number  :grinlove:

Yeah thats what I meant! True!
Aw, well said and so true Snowy!
As long as we're happy we're fine!

And thanx for the converter! It really helped me out!
I weight 114, 4 pounds! And 52 in kg.