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sis - Welcome!!

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sis registered on the October 21, 2007, 7:12 pm.
View sis's Profile
ummm, hey, i'm sis, not my real name of course, i live in Arkansas, and i love it. i'm a girl, and i'm in the 8th grade, don't plan on having kids till i'm married, that's why i wear a purity ring. i dislike most of my family, my mom is at the top of "The List" because she "assumes" that everyone and their mother think that i'm a boy because of the way i dress, and my hair, which is short, almost black, and curly. whatever though, i'm crazy out of my mind, and everyone knows it. i like to wear hooker boots that are at least 3 sizes to big, and i sleep hanging upside down off of my bed by my knee's. any questions feel free to ask, i won't bite, hard.
Hi there! Welcome to the site.

I'm Fiona, I'm the culprit who founded this site 3 years ago... a whole 3 yrs, no idea where it's gone to! I live in the UK with my hubby and our baby hamster.

Hope to see you about the place
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