This is what Snowbaby bold are my comments
The First Trimester
(Week 1 - Week 12)
Your period stops or becomes very light. Or in my case becomes heavier and worse, thus why I went the doctors and was told I was pregnant!
You may feel nausea or queasiness. Some women vomit. ("Morning sickness" can happen any time of day -- it may help to eat small meals throughout the day, snack on crackers or toast, or drink juice or lemonade.) Not had morning sickness yet
Your breasts swell and may be tender. I thought this was to do with my period!
Your nipples and the area around the nipples (areola) get darker and broader. I never noticed this before I was told I was pregnant
You have to urinate more often. Eurgh yeh!
You feel tired. wheres my bed
You may become constipated and have heartburn (Tums may help). Nope, not yet
You may have headaches. Yeh
You experience mood swings -- feel angry, sad, or happy for no reason. Again, I thought this was my period causing it
Can ya tell baby wasnt planned and it came as a huge shock!
The First Trimester
(Week 1 - Week 12)
Your period stops or becomes very light. Or in my case becomes heavier and worse, thus why I went the doctors and was told I was pregnant!
You may feel nausea or queasiness. Some women vomit. ("Morning sickness" can happen any time of day -- it may help to eat small meals throughout the day, snack on crackers or toast, or drink juice or lemonade.) Not had morning sickness yet
Your breasts swell and may be tender. I thought this was to do with my period!
Your nipples and the area around the nipples (areola) get darker and broader. I never noticed this before I was told I was pregnant
You have to urinate more often. Eurgh yeh!
You feel tired. wheres my bed
You may become constipated and have heartburn (Tums may help). Nope, not yet
You may have headaches. Yeh
You experience mood swings -- feel angry, sad, or happy for no reason. Again, I thought this was my period causing it
Can ya tell baby wasnt planned and it came as a huge shock!