The first symptoms and the time of their appearance are listed here:
- * Temperature drop (dip) on Implantation day
* Implantation bleeding or spotting: (a slight staining of a pink or brown color on average 8-10 days after ovulation)
* Lower abdominal cramps
* A positive blood hCG pregnancy test: About 10 days after fertilization/ovulation
* An elevated BBT curve for 15+ days without a menstrual period
* A missed menstrual period (amenorrhea)
* A positive urine pregnancy test (HPT): As early as 10-14 days after ovulation/fertilization or 3-4 days after implantation. The more sensitive the HPT the earlier the pregnancy test will be positive
* Nausea: as early as 2-4 weeks after ovulation (BrJObGyn 1989b;96:1304)
* Nipple or breast tenderness: 3-4 weeks after conception
* Fatigue: 3-10 weeks after conception
* Vomiting: 3-10 weeks after conception
* Food cravings: 1-2 months after conception
* Frequent urination: usually after 1-2 months
* Softening of cervix: usually not before 6 weeks after LMP
* Constipation: later on
* Lower-back pain: later on
* Darkening of areola (area around breast nipple): After 14 weeks
* Fetal heartbeat on sonogram: 8-9 weeks after conception
* Fetal movements: 16+ weeks after conception