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Roast Chicken or Roast Beef?

Roast Chicken or Roast Beef?

  • Roast Chicken

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Roast Beef

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Chicken !!!!!! but only if I get all the luvverly crispy skin.....and Oooooooh served with mashed tatties and gravy lmao

Pukes at the thought of all that gunk they squeeze into the chicken to make you think your getting a nice peice of meat for you money


id rather get mad cow disease and go with the beef
mmmm with gravy onions and roasties oh and some roast carots and some other nice freshly selected veg


Damn you poll you conned me out of my vote.. :'(
Chicken and Beef are good but a nice Chicken rubed in butter then roasted ohhhh so much crispy skin!!! Yummy cant wait until Sunday roast