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I'm Still Crying...

xue gao

New Member
Aug 18, 2007
You should look at how many wet tissue papers there are on the floor... I can't believe it... My big brother has leukaemia.... I still sobbing away... It's like, such a shock cause he was so healthy and loved eating veggies and almost never fell or got a bruise or something... Then the worst thing is that I had to find out from the docter and my dad knew about it all the while. I asked him and he was so angry he said " It's not like you who's having the disease right? You're 15 already, grow up and stop that crying!( after that that he let out some vulgar words)".
I'm sorry to hear about your brother. Parents sometimes keep things from their kids to protect them or because they don't know how to deal with the situation. I suspect that is why your dad snapped at you.
Your dad is having a tough time and sometimes it's worse to see everyone crying, 'cause it's like they've given up, as if there were no more point in fighting for him.
Your family is going throguh the worst times and I don't even want to imagine how bad you must be feeling. No fifteen year old (or any year old for that matters, but you're still young and innocent, you should really be carefree!!) should ever have to go through something like that...and no person should ever fall so badly ill..I always wonder why life has to be that way, if it's that short, why can't it be beautiful and carefree for everyone?
But that's the way it is and you just have to be strong now, for your family's sake, and for your own brother's sake. Cry where your family can't see you, particulary your brother. Encourage him all the time. It's time to fight.
I hope you'll win.
I suggest you do nothing but "pray" and get your brother to believe he'll be alright.. I honestly saw it happen first hand, a friend of mine who had leukemia then I got her all cheered up, and she was willing to take the consequences of the disease without hesitation and move on, and all out of a sudden she went to the doctor and she no longer had cancer! I also saw something similar happen in another friend, only this time it wasn't My friend, it was my mom's, she was filled with Huge tumors (sp) around her instestines that would've killed her in 3 months, but she's an extreme prayer, and she believes so much hmm... well anyway, when she was checked again on the x-rays, they were going, what are the odds of that..

Hell, my Doctor/Psychologist also believes in miracles...

I hope things come out right for you.