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I Think I Killed It.

You out-flirted us all!

Except for Subby. He still out-flirts you.
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the life of the flirting thread, Flirty.

Although, sadly, Flirty died before her time, let us remember the good times: The snogpiles, the Thistletoe and the male shower scene, precious memories each and every one of them. Remember, that Flirty is now in the loving care of our Mod, where she will rest for all eternity, happy and contented.

Let us pray:

Our Mod, who art in forum,
Hallowed be thy name,
Thy Web Hits come
Thy will be done in chat as it is in forum.
Give us this day our daily Thread
And forgive us our typo's,
as we forgive them that typo against us.
And lead us not into Flamewars
But deliver us from evil
For Thine is the Webpage
The Power and the Glory
Forever and Ever

If you could now turn to page 17 of your Hymn Books, please stand and sing with me "Girls just wanna have fun"...