Iporuru is a medium-sized woody bush which grows in the lower elevations and flood plains of the Amazon river system in Peru. Iporuru can only be harvested in the Amazon's dry season due to the fact that it spends the rainy season underwater.
One of the more popular preparations is an alcoholic bark tincture used to treat rheumatism, arthritis, colds, and muscle pains.
It is well known to the indigenous peoples of Peru for relieving the symptoms of osteoarthritis and helps flexibility in movement and range of motion .
The Candochi-Shapra and the Shipibo tribes use both the bark and roots for treating rheumatism.
To prevent diarrhea, the Tikuna tribe take one tablespoon of bark decoction before meals.
The pain relieving properties of Iporuru are also used topically by indigenous people. Crushed leaves are rubbed on painful joints as an analgesic and beaten into a paste and applied to painful stingray wounds.
The leaves of Iporuru are used in the area around Piura to increase female fertility in cases where the male is relatively impotent. It is also used as an aphrodisiac and geriatric for males.
One of the more popular preparations is an alcoholic bark tincture used to treat rheumatism, arthritis, colds, and muscle pains.
It is well known to the indigenous peoples of Peru for relieving the symptoms of osteoarthritis and helps flexibility in movement and range of motion .
The Candochi-Shapra and the Shipibo tribes use both the bark and roots for treating rheumatism.
To prevent diarrhea, the Tikuna tribe take one tablespoon of bark decoction before meals.
The pain relieving properties of Iporuru are also used topically by indigenous people. Crushed leaves are rubbed on painful joints as an analgesic and beaten into a paste and applied to painful stingray wounds.
The leaves of Iporuru are used in the area around Piura to increase female fertility in cases where the male is relatively impotent. It is also used as an aphrodisiac and geriatric for males.
