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How would you spend your idea day?


Aug 30, 2011
How would you spend your idea day? Would it be a day with your children and no fighting? Or a romantic getaway with the hunk in your life? Or just you and the best spa you know? What would you do for your perfect idea day?
An entire day alone at the beach with a good book to read, a bicycle for a ride on the beach and a nice dinner at the end of the day. Nothing is as relaxing for me as being at the beach.
My ideal day could be a day with nature alone in the morning while watching sunset and having breakfast. Then, having a good lunch with friends/family while having lively conversations and fun activities like walking and sight seeing or swimming in the beach. And a happy bonfire activity while eating dinner with them.
My idea of a great day would start with an early run on the beach with my dogs. Followed by a shower with hubby and big breakfast. Dining with my family for lunch, walking thru the strand or general shopping area. Watching my daughter and daughter in laws keep track of the grandbabies. It's so much fun to take these 2 yr. olds in the store! Getting dressed up for a romantic dinner followed by some time with adult friends, music and a few drinks around the fire at the beach.
Wow, I really am a huge outcast!

My ideal day would be to be in Utah. I would wake up, eat a yummy breakfast, and then spend the rest of the morning and afternoon snowboarding in beautiful Park City. Then I would come back to a luxurious hotel room and relax for a while before eating a big, delicious dinner. I would then relax in the lounge with my laptop for a while, and play some arcade games and then challenge the guys to a game of air hockey. Then I would go for a walk on a deck and enjoy the gorgeous view of the Rocky Mountains, and then I would snuggle up next to my secret crush for the rest of the night and sleep in. <3

I can't believe I'm the only Mountain Girl here... :(
I'm a huge nerd...a few years ago I somehow came across a website for a cruise ship that took people out to the Galápagos Islands and I've thought about it ever since lol...I would love to go and see all the wildlife and stuff...so I guess that would be my ideal day lol...but I've always wanted to go to Hawaii...so I'd settle for that lol
I would spend my ideal day with my family. I really love being around my family. I enjoy every moment I get to spend with them!
I am an introvert type of person so I guess I'll be just spending time quality time with my kids or curl up with a nice book or movie. I really don't going out of town or swimming, I prefer it nice and peaceful at home.