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How do you think your friends perceive you?


Aug 30, 2011
Friends are wonderful! They build you up when you need it, lend you a shoulder, and are always there for a girls night. But how do you think they perceive you? What three adjectives would they use to describe your personality?
Well I believe my friends see as the following:
  • dependable
  • reliable
  • cheerful
I have always been the positive and strong friend for my BFF's. They knew that they could always rely and depend on me whenever they needed a helping hand.

Though they are miles away from me at the moment, we maintain our communication. And try to visit each other once we had the opportunity to. :)
I think my "close" friends perceived me as:

- Can be trusted.
- Fun to be with.
- Dependable

They could tell me their secrets since they know that it was safe with me. That even my best friend which is also part of our "friend's group" would not know. ;)
I also crack up jokes sometimes to make our conversations and events lively. And I do organizing for our events just like budgeting and making schedules.