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Do You Let Your Boyfriend/Husband Party Without You?


Aug 14, 2012
I'm a very jealous person. Very, very jealous. But I'm also an outsider who doesn't like being surrounded by too many people. My boyfriend on the other hand is very sociable, he has a lot of friends. So yes, I let him party without me. Actually, he does it almost every week. It really is the best solution for both of us, because this way he can spend time with his friends and I can focus on myself...and do a few beauty rituals for example:D
How about you? Do you let your partner party without you?
I think I'd be a bit uncomfortable with it, but I'd probably allow it sometimes anyway. I don't like the idea of my boyfriend being drunk around a bunch of scantily clad, flirty, wasted college girls. At the same time, trust is important. I know if I've gone to parties without him before, and I'd never do anything sketchy, and I'd expect the same from him.
Well considering my boyfriend's ex was a tyrant. Like she would always make sure she was invited to everything. Needed to know when he went somewhere, and he needed permission to like hang out with girl/ friends. I've kind of eased it.

I never liked the idea of cluster-fing anyone either since my parents did it 24/7 and I hated every minute of it.

Besides I think trust is important. If I'm constantly on his butt about what he's doing - he might end up resenting me just like his ex. lol

So yes, he can party without me - besides half of his friends just sit around at Denny's and play magic the gathering all night so its not really a threat.
I'm not a party person so I definitely don't mind if my partner wants to go out and have a good. One thing I loathe is to make someone feel that they are not an individual. You can tuly lose your identity in a relationship, which can cause tension. In order to keep a relationship as healthy as possible, I like to give my partner space and time to do what they want as an individual.
Ayane, haha, I'm pretty sure that I'd get bored too if I had to spend time with my boyfriend's friends. Usually, they play in table football and drink beer, it doesn't sound like fun to me:p
Angelle, it's the same with me. I don't enjoy going to parties and I believe that it's good to sometimes focus only on myself. I love my boyfriend, we're one, but we're not the same and it's okay:)
I'm an introvert, so is my boyfriend! I actually feel so blessed for the fact he stays at home most of the time, even during his day off from work. He has very few friends and rarely goes out, most of the time he only goes out because he has to go to work or he needs to get something done. I am the same way, but the only difference is the fact I work from home. So I don't hve to leave the house unless I feel like doing that.

If my boyfriend was social, and liked to party a lot, then I guess I'd feel a bit uncomfortable if he was to party on his own. To be honest don't think I'd like it at all, but that doesn't mean I'd stop him from doing it so! I'd let him go party on his own, but I'd try to go party with him, even if I got bored of hanging out with his friends.