Hmmm, lets see.
I'm 16, short (though growing...*cough), live in lovely (gail-force-windy, torrential-rainy) Wellington NZ and will be in my last year of college this year. College, as in high school.
I make jokes about everything. It's more fun to laugh about something than cry about it. I probably don't take enough things seriously but I don't want to be unnecessarily sad. My friends tell me they go to me for laughs.
I love helping people and making them happy. Their happiness means everything to me and I would do anything to help someone

. I like to think that I'm good at helping people with their problems...haha.
I juggle, and go busking. I can juggle 3 balls, 4 balls, almost 5 balls, 3 balls with tricks, 3 clubs and tricks, 3 knives, 3 fire clubs. It's a lot less than it actually sounds. I do it with my best friend Annie. We can also pass clubs and have a wee 2 person-3club routine. Dad and I like the busking because it's our father-daughter bonding time but it seems like he's making juggling into a chore, checking that I've practised... It's heaps of fun with Annie though. Me and her are like this *finger twisty thing* ever since we met in 3rd form 3 years ago. I might post some pictures of us later

I love love love ancient history. And psychology is fascinating.
Um, yeah.
I think that's it.
I like hugs and cocktails (cocktail party for my 17th!), but don't worry, I am by no means a big drinker. I had half a glass of a gin and tonic and was red in the face...