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Call Closers


Aug 3, 2011
I do a lot of Telemarketing calls. To entertain myself I try to find different ways to end my call when they say no. I try to give some sort of positive response.

I.E. Thank you so much
You were very kind
You have the best day ever

I am running out lol. To further entertain my self I am challenging you all to give me a line to use. Childish? Yes it could be considered childish, lol but I have to entertain myself some how during these monotonous calls. So, bring it on. tongue twisters welcome. Remember, keep it clean I don't want to get fired.
I always stick with "Have a good one." Lame. But that's what I've gotten used to. I really don't know how to end a call specially when I was not able to close a sale. I might try, "You have the best day ever," just to kill the monotony.
I appreciate that hatteubanal. Every new closing statement is one less I have to think up. It gets hard after awhile. Thats for your input, and I am standing by for my interesting closers.
This is interesting, I just started working with a company and never thought about how I end the call after hearing, NO. I usually end with Thank you for your time, enjoy the afternoon(evening). I will have to watch this post and get some ideas.
I worked as a Customer Relations Assistant before and what I usually used then was "thank you, have a nice day" or "thanks for your time, good bye". I never really did telemarketing then but I was always answering phone calls.