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Upgrade to a new version of the forum software

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Staff member
Mar 16, 2009
Today I've upgraded the forum to a new version of the forum software. New features:

Auto embedding of videos:
Some still find it tricky to embed a Youtube video so they simply post a link. This method requires the reader to follow the link to another site, opening yet another window or tab, and it all gets a bit confusing.
Now, simply insert a link into your post and the software will do the rest, even stripping out the unneeded portion of the URL. Try it out!

Better search:
You will see a new option under the Search window, titled "Useful Searches", e.g. your threads/your posts/your profile posts. Additionally you now can search within threads!

Attachments for conversations
You can now exchange certain files such as graphics via the personal conversation system.

Notification emails:
When you get a reply to a thread you are watching you will get an email informing you about new updates. Now this email contains the full text, the avatar and some useful links pertaining to your thread subscription.

If you ever overlooked an alert in the upper right hand part of the screen (e.g. when you get a new private message) you will find this pretty useful: now you will get a little pop-up in the lower left hand corner of the screen as well, notifying you of the private message alert.

Better sharing of posts:
Clicking on the post number provides a nice link for sharing the post in other threads or across many different social media platforms.

Ignore feature:
You can now ignore forum members. To access it, click on your name (at the top of your screen, by the Alerts) then select Preferences.

Several speed improvements

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