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Shag, Marry, Push Off Cliff


Active Member
Sep 12, 2004
New Zealand
this is a game I used to play with my friends in high school, it's awesome. Just come up with 3 people, places or things and then the next person says which they'd shag, which they'd marry and which they'd push off a cliff. the people can be real life people like actors, characters from books or movies....anybody. Also, feel free to add an explanation

For example, starting generic :)
Captain Jack Sparrow
James Barrie Matthews (the johnny depp character in Finding Neverland)
Mort Rainey (the one from Secret Window)

I'd marry James cos he was sho sweet, shag MOrt cos he was hot and all bedhair styled. I love that hair. And push Captain Jack off a cliff. He's already been over cliffs hasn't he?

Ok, your go, how about....
Doctor Who characters:
Captain Jack Harkness
Rose tyler
A dalek

(Shag Captain jack, he's a manwhore and womanising everyone I swear, marry Rose and cliff the dalek. though...wife to the potential rulers of the universe? tempting....but they want to destroy it don't they? Ok, definitely cliff the dalek)
Marry- Captain Jack Harkness
Shag- Rose tyler
Push off cliff- A dalek

Although, if the Dalek was hot, I'd shag it :lol:

Rocky Horror Picture Show:
Dr Frankenfurter
Marry Brad, he's so cute.
Shag Rocky
Cliff the doctor. He freaks me out. *shudder*

My chemical romance
:lol: I'd totally shag My Chem and cliff Kiss cos he's freaking scary. And marry ABBA - a lifetime of happy singing? How can you say no to that? there's no marrying My Chem really cos that'd be a lifetime of emo. Not so fun.

Marry Justin timberlake. Even though Frank Sinatra would sing to me everyday (and I'm a sucker for his music) he had gang connections and after watching Shortland Street (NZ's version of coro street...) I dont want to get mixed up in that. So I'll settle for Justin timberlake. Which means Ozzy gets cliffed. Good.

Prince Charming
Grumpy (he's a dwarf right?)
the evil step mother
Hmmm.... Really had to think about this one :lol:

Marry Grumpy (it'd be nice not to be the shortest person I know *gig* )
Shag Prince Charming
Cliff the step mother

Darth Vader
Jabba the Hutt
Bobba Fett
:lol: It's funner the harder you make it. I think I'd cliff grumpy and marry the step mother - world domination! And shag Charming.

Oh man, thats a toughie. Is Boba Fett the guy who's played by the new zealander? I hope it's the one I'm thinking of... Ugggh Jabba is either getting married or cliffed. I think.... marry boba fett, cliff jabba and shag darth.

If you're a fan of firefly/serenity -
Shephard Book
Simon tam (mmmm topless Simon)

If not
Guybrush threepwood
Louis the evil undead pirate (I think thats his name)

Greys Anatomy
Coronation street

(there's gotte be something there that rings a bell)

Boba Fett :D

If it were me:
Marry Vader (I admit it, I think Darth Vader is soooo sexy in that out fit thing (I'm not joking :blush: )) Be the Queen of an empire :D
Shag Boba Fett
Push Jabba off a cliff... or pour salt on him and see if he dies :noangel:

And I can honestly say that none of those make sense to me :lol:
Haha damnit. Guybrush threepwood is from Monkey Island, if you've ever played that.

ok, how about, talk shows.

Ricki Lake
Ellen (degeneres)

I bet thats too specific too

Reality tv shows
Big brother
Wife swap/American Idol/the amazing race (which ever one means more to you)

Ugh, I hope I got something there :lol:
Hah I thought I'd leave it for a while in the hopes someone else would jump in cos it seems I'm no good at coming up with generic options everyone (slash you PP :p) will know, lets hope I'll have better luck this time :p

Hmmm Marry cyclops I think, shag wolverine and cliff evil, emo Pyro. I'm not gonna have someone that's gonna betray me for a husband!

Hah I would have cliffed Ricki lake cos the only thing going for her is her role in the original movie of Hairspray. Marry Ellen cos I think she's hilarious, which leaves shagging Oprah....ugh, not the ideal....Maybe I'll marry Oprah actually, she's so positive! I still wanna cliff Ricki, I just don't like her. Which means shagging Ellen hmm. I'm not sure haha.

Ok ok, how about eeeither, Princess Bride -->
Prince Humperdink
Inigo Montoya

*fingers crossed*
Ok I've finally come up withs omething that you'll have enough connotations with to do!
New York

And for once I don't know frasier well enough! Which would you pick?
Marry Niles :wub:
Shag Lillith
Push Frasier off a cliff :lol:

Marry London :D
Shag New York
Push Paris off a cliff (I'm English! What did you expect? :p )

Ok... Now I have to think of something... Ummmm...

Playstation 3
XBOX 360
Nintendo Wii
:lol: I wanted to do a game platform one a while back but I kept drawing a blank for a third one. I've lost roots with the geek in me.

Cliff xbox 360 cos it's full of jocky beat 'em up games (though....all my favourite games are on it...)
marry PS3, it's nicer, platformy games
Shag wii.

Ok ok,
Spring (<---most shaggable right..?)