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Do You Like Attending Reunions?


May 15, 2012
One of the things I love about my sister's family is how close they are with the extended family. Every year, no matter what city or what country they live in, they would have a reunion to meet with cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents and more. In fact, my nieces are fortunate to have still met their great grandmother. She's about 86 and she's still strong.

Do you like attending reunions?
To be honest, I really don't like attending reunions. I don't have good relations with my parents and I don't even talk with most of my family members. We just don't have anything in common. Family gatherings are a nightmare for me, I avoid them as much as possible:(
I have never had a family reunion or class reunion actually. The closest we get is when someone dies and many of us attend a funeral and will catch up briefly then.

Even if I were invited to one, I highly doubt I would attend one. That's not my idea of a good time at all.
We really don't have reunions. We meet for Holidays, but its only the family that lives the closest. We never get together with those who live out of state or anything because they can never make it. If they did have reunions I would definitely like attending them. I love socializing especially with the people who are my family.
My family has family reunions every two years. I don't get to go very often because they are clear across the country. I have enjoyed the ones I have attended. I have met first, second and third cousins and much more. I have a huge family and I love getting to meet them.

I have been to only one high school reunion. I thought it would be uncomfortable because I wasn't one of the in-crowd. It wasn't bad. The best part was getting back in contact with my old high school friends that I lost contract with. Another big milestone is approaching and I will be attending.
I completely lost contact with everyone on my Dad's side of the family after my grandmother died when I was 12, sadly. Haven't seen most of them in years. They have reunions once in a while but I've never been invited. Not sure what I did wrong. Scratch that, I know I didn't do anything wrong. I was just a kid when most of them stopped coming around. It makes me sad so I try not to think about it.

I try to see my Mother's side of the family at least once a year. But other than that, I'm pretty much on my own.
I hate family reunions. It's like a way for everyone to boast about their achievements and to look down upon you if you haven't done anything worthwhile. My husband's family is like that. Whenever I meet up with them, my brother-in-law's wife would keep talking about how great her children are, how great she is raising them and all that nonsense. I just hate talking to her. It's always about her and nothing else. And she sounds like a broken record; saying the same thing over and over again every time I meet with her. To reiterate, I hate attending reunions.
I know what you mean. I saw an aunt at a wedding a few years back and she was asking me if I was seeing anyone. When I said no, she kind of scoffed and said something like "Guess that means you'll be living with your parents for a long time, then."

I was like *raises eyebrow* "You can move out and live on your own if you aren't married, no?"

And then she acted really weird as if I'd said something uncalled for. I find those types of awkward interactions with family really uncomfortable. Something similar happened at a different reunion that I didn't go to because I live far away. My mom said another aunt of ours was watching my brother and his girl with their new baby...then she came over to my mom and whispered "Are they married?" And my mom was like "no." And then aunt was like...horrified. lol Some of these family members are really religious and my immediately family is really liberal and free. I think they pretty much think we are all sinners.

It's kind of funny, but I still would rather avoid those awkward moments.
I completely lost contact with everyone on my Dad's side of the family after my grandmother died when I was 12, sadly. Haven't seen most of them in years. They have reunions once in a while but I've never been invited. Not sure what I did wrong. Scratch that, I know I didn't do anything wrong. I was just a kid when most of them stopped coming around. It makes me sad so I try not to think about it.

Have you ever tried getting in touch with them?

It may not make you feel any better, but if you were a kid at the time and you're not in touch now, maybe they just forgot? Or maybe they think you don't *want* to be included considering you aren't in touch with any of them. Why not reach out to some of them if it makes you sad that you're not around them.
Yes I've tried getting in touch with them. I found them all on facebook and they ignored my attempts at saying hello. But they all talk to each other (which I could see thanks to the nature of facebook--they would write on each other's walls and things like that). It hurt me so much that my attempts to reach out were ignored that I deleted my facebook and never made an attempt to reach out to any of them again.
Ugh, I'm really sorry to hear that, Jess. It sounds like maybe they're judging you unfairly. Unfortunately, that means you were probably right to just leave Facebook and not try again. You made your attempts and they were rude. You're better off without them then.