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Do you "friend" everyone on Facebook or only real friends?


Sep 25, 2014
I know some people just add anyone and everyone, but I don't like doing that. I only add people I know. What about you? Do you confirm every request that comes along, only the ones that are well known to your actual friends, or only people that you personally know? Maybe you do it differently than the above. How do you handle friend requests on social networks?
I don't confirm everyone especially with the privacy settings these days you don't know where your post will end up being shared. I keep some friends and also friends of friends in case we need a group message for an event, it makes it easier.

Also my profile isn't easy to find and you have to be a friend of a friend or part of a group I am in before you could see my profile. I have some random requests too, but I ignore those from strange men usually!
On my "personal" account, I do not accept everyone. If we have no mutual friends and have never talked, I don't accept them. On my "game" account though, I do accept people. That one doesn't have much personal information on it so I'm not too worried about adding people on it just for the games. So I guess I do both.