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Nov 10, 2006
I have a question. Most of you are older than me and have much more experience with dating [no means to offend anyone]. I just turned 17 on Friday.

I haven't had a boyfriend yet. I'm not trying to sound self-absorbed or anything, but I don't think I'm ugly. I have a fun personality, I'm sweet, I'm not quiet, yet I'm not loud and overbearing. Some guys do like me, but they either aren't my type or don't interest me. It's not fun turning someone down because I've been on that boat before, but all of the guys I DO like don't like me back.

I thought I had high standards until my friend made me realize that I did not at all. I fall for the strangest types of guys. The first one I seriously liked got in trouble for drinking and driving, and the second got sent to drug rehab. I mean they are nice guys but they made wrong choices.

Now I like a guy and I heard him talking about me in class! I had a shirt on that said "prop" and he was laughing and said he thought it said "poop"
Real mature, right? Anyways, I can't help that I still like him. Then I heard him say I look at him all of the time. How would you know unless you were looking at me?!
I wish I could stop liking someone, but it's a bit hard.

So my first question is basically; is it strange I am 17 and I don't have a boyfriend? My second question; is there something wrong that I haven't even found someone yet? 12 year olds are dating now, I feel so strange that I'm not. It's not that I'm not interested or anything....I do keep my options open as well. And my third question (final I promise); Do you think the current guy is simply being a jerk or is that some new reverse psychology guy flirting deal? He knew I was right there, he was two feet in front of me.

Thanks :]
Well first off, I do not think it is strange that you are 17 without a boyfriend. Actually there are not many people left that actually are looking for the "right one". Just hopping into a relationship just because you can is never a good idea

Second, I would not say there is something wrong. Girls mature faster than guys
So if you are looking for someone who is mature, then you might have to wait a little while lol (no offence guys)

Third, He has to be noticing you if he mentions you. Don´t be too forceful though. That most of the time will run people away. If you notice him looking at you just blush and look away
Then when you are ready, muster the courage to talk to him. Maybe he is a pretty good guy. There is only one way to find out