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Long Distance Not Working


Jan 24, 2012
I am really in love with this guy I have been talking to for almost two months. The only problem is that he lives 3 hours away and our schedules are not compatible. I hate it because we both like each other so much, but never get to see each other. I am afraid that he is going to get sick of me not being around and just move on. Any advice?
If he really feel the same way for you, he would not get sick of you. And he will do the best he can or put effort to meet you.
3 hours away does not seem that far specially for two people who are really in love.
If the feeling is mutual, I don't think he'll ever get tired of you. You just need to be more trusting. I think in your case, absence should make the heart grow fonder.
First of all, please don't worry too much. The fact that you've caught his attention even though you two are far away from each other should already prove that he's willing to wait for you.

If you guys are truly inlove, distance would not be an issue. My boyfriend and I used to be in a long distance relationship. He was living 12 hours away and he was still in school while I was doing my OJT. There would be times that he'd message me that he'd decided to ride a bus from where he's at to where I am simply because he misses me. I would also do the same with him. We'd only meet once or twice a month, but it didn't bother us because we knew that this was for our own good.

Are you in a relationship with him now? I suggest you work out a schedule with him. Meeting once or twice a month is possible if you set your hearts to it. And you could always call each other everyday. A short 5 minute conversation can do wonders to a relationship.

Good luck!
Long distance relationships are hard, but they can work. I have a friend who used to drive 9 hours every other weekend to spend a few days with her boyfriend (now fiance). They live together now, but they did the long distance thing for about a year, if I remember right.

It sounds like you don't have the same days off... maybe you and the guy can meet somewhere halfway? That way neither one of you would have to spend so much time driving.
Thanks so much for all of your support and kind words. It really made my day. I was having such a horrible day and your kind words just instantly cheered me up! You ladies have no idea. I do want to put the effort in because I feel that he is really worth it and I want this to work so bad. I really do feel like he is the one.
Long distance is often very hard and almost never works out. Even with a good, solid relationship it is hard to make it work. My advice would be to go ahead and end it before things get nasty, you don't want to ruin the good times and memories with a sour ending. Whatever you do I wish you good luck and you know the girls here are ready to support you always!
If he really liked you, distance and schedule would not matter. Both of you will always find a way. In fact, 3 hours isn't even that much compared to some of us here who are also in long distance relationships. Me and my boyfriend totally live in different worlds. His time zone is 7 hours ahead of me (he's in Asia and I'm in the west end of Europe) and we're still going strong. There will be sacrifices of course.