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37 Week Midwife App


Active Member
Sep 10, 2004
Hubby came with me today as he didn't want me to drive myself :wub: Thank goodness cos driving is so uncomfy for me :(

So, the m/w took bloods - the typical ones that should have been done last week, but she's doing extra cos I had protein, glucose & ketones in my urine :( She isn't too worried being I'm only 3 weeks from EDD. She's testing for a urine infection as well due to my light-headednedd and headaches - and advised me to drink as much as I can and drink cranberry juice as it flushes the peepee system out.

My rash on my bump, she wasn't overly concerned but I've to go back next week instead of in 2 weeks so she can re-check. Blood pressure was fine. My iron count is 114, their cut off point is 106 so she'll get that checked again from today's blood - I pray I don't need to take iron! OMG @ the constipation!!

Baby's heartbeat was perfect, I have a slight temp and my skin is hot to touch but she thinks it's the rash and cold from last week. She didn't seem overly concerned at all. And if anything shows up, the worst case scenario would be induction of labour :mellow: but :tiddlyjen: I don't think anything will show up though.

Baby is head down, 4/5 engaged. He/she has their back down my right side, looking over to my left with limbs to the left. I knew that though, he/she has been that position since 28 weeks. Good wee soul!! All in, a fab app really. DH got to hear the heartbeat :wub:
37 weeks! You must be starting to get quite a bit uncomfortable.

So close to having a weesnowbaby in your life!! :wub: