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Newborn Baby Dumped In Bushes

The person who did that is sick and has no heart. :(
It was a sad truth that this thing was really happening around the world. I wonder why they do not just bring he babies in orphanage or to those who wants to have a child.
No responsibility.It's a life ,isn't a thing.so does she think about his future?.........:mad:
That's terrible.
Sadly, that happened to a girl where I used to live.
Her water broke in class and as you may know sometimes bigger girls aren't as noticeable when pregnant.
All of the kids laughed at her, they thought she wet herself.
The next day, the cleaners emptied a sanitary bin from the girls toilets and found the baby in there...Sadly not alive.
It was reported that the baby wasn't miscarried. It was alive when she put it in the sanitary bin.
They urged the girl to come forward, she didn't get in trouble. But they found out that she already had, had other children and left them with her mother.
I don't see how someone can be so irresponsible and have done this to another child.

I know this story because a close friend of mines father was the main officer in charge of the investigation.
I have the link to the news story here too.

First of all, good job to those boys for making sure they got help and done the right thing. They saved that babies life. It is so sad to read stories like this and see what happens out there in this crazy world.
That is terrible :( how anyone can do that is beyond me. Nice to see that some people do still have good thoughts in mind with the lads taking the baby straight to a hospital. So happy that the baby is OK.
Horrible as it may seem but there's more in our country that's harsher than that. Some "unwanted" babies here are left near a creek with it's umbilical cord still attached, worst is mothers of these unwanted babies are not contented of throwing them away, aside from it, they'll abort the baby at approximately 8 months then while the baby starves to death he's also placed inside a sack where he will be suffocated.

I don't know why on earth are they doing that!
This is really sad. I wouldn't even think about doing something like this. I am glad the baby is ok.
I noticed that this story was a bit old and decided to check to see if anything had come of it, this is what I found: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-playing-field-comes-forward-help-police.html
This is something that happens all too often.

At least the baby's life was saved. A lot of teenagers now are victims rape, sexual harassment and a lot more that results on having an unwanted pregnancy. As much as we don't want those things to happen, it still seems that it's inevitable and hard to control to. Let's just pray for God's guidance and also let's pray for those who were victims of it.
I wish there were some updates. That baby should be about two now, right? I hope all went well with her health after that ordeal. Wonder if they ever did find the mother.
Where I come from this happens every other day and most of the cases the mothers leave the babies intentionally. A mother who loves their child and even if forced by circumstances would leave the child may be in the door way of a church or a home. But leaving in a bush is purely evil and unforgivable.
I do not see how some one can just dump an innocent child like that. I mean honestly what kind of person do you have to be to give birth to this perfect little being, and then discard them like yesterdays trash. I hate things like this. It makes me wonder where the world is truly headed. I am glad that the boys found the baby, and that the baby is okay. I think that the mother should be put up on attempted murder charges. Had those boys not found her, she would have died.
This is terrible...The way I see it is if you didn't want the child, the person should have taken extra measures to not end up pregnant in the first place. There are people out there who want to be parents and are unable to conceive a child naturally. And then you have low lives like these who dump their children in the trash. It's a real shame.