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is he controlling or what??

Lovely Girl :)

New Member
Sep 21, 2012
im dating a guy, and it just feels like its a one way street with him, like he chooses where we go or what we do, if i have my say some time it will be heard but then he just choose what he wants. also always making sure im not dressed to good or to much make up because he gets angry, most of the time its like his talking at me not with me! its so annoying! i dont know what to do! its just playing with my mind! helppp!!!
Yes, he does sound very controlling!! and that is something you shouldn't have to put up with! Regardless of how you feel about him, and I know the more involved you are the harder it is to stand your ground but you need to sit down with him and explain that he needs to stop controlling you and allow the relationship to be 50/50. If you don't say something now, things will only get worse and you will find your confidence has dropped that much that you're unable to approach the subject at all. Good Luck.
Get rid of him!

Seriously, if you are just dating at this point and you're already having all of this put on you, I would suggest getting out. You can try talking to him about it, but you already said that when you try to give input, that he will hear it and then intentionally go against it anyway. It doesn't sound like you're really being heard at all.
thanks for the advice to both of you :) but its so hard, its gotten to the point where im actually scared to tell him because i know whats gonna happen, i have mentioned it a couple of times but later on the same things happens. i hate it so much but on the other hand he does nice things for me. its really hard, and sometimes i get so upset and feel like i have no one to go to talk to about this, i feel distant from everyone, and if i do go speak to someone they will think all kind of stuff
Looks like a control-freak... It's hard but you have to do something to address this issue else you'll be stuck in a one-sided relationship. Talk to him and be honest about what you feel. If he really loves you, he will find ways to fix things out. Also, spend more time and nurture your relationship with family and friends so that you will have someone to fallback to when things between you and your guy get rough.;)
It does sound like he is very controlling. I know you may have fun with him at times because he does nice things for you, but in a happy and healthy relationship, you should be happy with him 90% of the time, not 50% of the time. There is no reason he should be telling you what you can and cannot wear. If it were my choice, I'd say to lose this guy. There are so many other guys out there who are willing to treat you right! Good luck!
Jessi is right. Get rid of this loser!

It will only get worse with time. He's the time that will try to separate you from your family and friends. Cut your losses and cut him loose as soon as possible.
thanks guys! i've tried my best talking threw some stuff with him. but its goes back to the same thing, and most of the time he just has this angry face like whatever i do isn't good enough, and its always about what he wants and if i do something i enjoy his gets angry because i stopped doing whatever he was doing! :( its so hard because i came out of a long term relationship that the guy had no interest but this one is all i want but then has this side of him that makes me feels like shit most of the time