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Everybody has limits. What are yours in a relationship?


New Member
Oct 4, 2013
When it comes to maintaining a healthy relationship, patience, understanding, and forgiveness are key attributes. However, we all have that line that we just won't let others cross. Once they cross that line, there is no going back. It's different for everyone, and nobody's limits are more valid than the others. What are your limits in a relationship? When would you call it quits no matter what the explanation was? I would have to say that mine would be (an obvious one) infidelity, or someone who used my biggest insecurities against me. I think both of those things say a lot about a person. What about you?
I'm sure that I couldn't forgive my significant other if he cheated on me. I simply couldn't. I can't imagine sharing him with other women. It would break my heart. I believe that only silly, stupid cowards cheat and I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with somebody like this.
Another good reason to break up is physical violence. If my boyfriend hit me, I wouldn't listen to his explanations, I wouldn't let him make any excuses. I would leave him without a word. Beating women is unforgivable.
I would have to say that domestic violence is my limit in a relationship. I believe its just one of those problems that just has to be dealt with by the guy himself. Something like that is going take a lot of therapy. If I stay with the guy after a beating I would just be enabling him. It would be best if the guy undergo therapy and the girl be a hundred miles away.
I agree with the reasons given so far, I wouldn't dream of staying with a boyfriend who cheated on me or was physically abusive. I also wouldn't stay with a boyfriend who constantly put me down (emotionally abusive) or wasn't supportive (I don't mean financially). Other deal breakers include if a boyfriend was rude to others (e.g his parents, friends, waiters ect..) or if a boyfriend didn't respect me or was controlling.
My limits are cheating and abuse. Seven years ago, I was in a five year relationship and the person cheated on me the whole time with multiple women as well as verbally and physically abused. Every time he said he was sorry, I believed him, and stayed. Now that I am older, I realized that he was never sorry because he did it for five years. Now, if a man cheats on me once or hits me once, I'm leaving him. I have left someone before when I found out they were cheating on me and it felt good to know that I know my worth and I was strong enough leave and never speak to them again.
Infidelity. I'm not the jealous type, but I don't think I could be with a man I can no longer trust. Plus every time we would have intimacy I would think about him with that woman, and then wonder why I'm still there with him. I have made this very clear to my current boyfriend, I have told him that infidelity will not be tolerated at all. He told me the exact same thing.

I'd never stay with a guy who treated me badly and abused me emotionally and physically. There is no way I'd be with a guy who insulted me or used my insecurities and fears against me. That wouldn't be sane at all!